Prey Game Download Free PC


Prey is a first-person shooter game. It was developed by Arkane Studio and also published by Bethesda Softworks. It was released worldwide 5th May 2017 for PS4, MS Windows and Xbox One.

Prey Game Trailer

Prey Gameplay

The Prey controls Morgan while you have to explore the Space station, in the orbit around the Earth-Moon and they have been researching a hostile alien called the Typhon. The Typhon escape confinement, the player uses weapons and abilities derived from the Typhon escape confinement gains access to areas of station by item and abilities allowing the player to explore the station.

The player is able to attributes of Morgan and including gender and made by the player affects elements of the games story. The player must collect and use weapons aboard the station and defeat the Typhon. The game According to creative Raphael Colantonio and it completely rather than having separate levels at times requiring a return to previously explored. The player is outside of the station and finds shortcuts of the station. 

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The player takes the role of hacker aboard orbiting the Moon, and is forced by his employer to figure out the Pytheas Moonbase. The game takes place with five known survivors of the attack. The player must figure out the five survived different routes. This is presented by leading characters through the station and hacking terminals and other actions. If the player can lead a character it must also lead other characters. You have to find a different escape point; the changes on previous characters should affect any character that resets the simulation.

Prey Game System Requirements

  • Operating System: Windows 7(64-bit)
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics Card: 2 GB Nvidia GeForce GTX 660
  • Free Disk Space: 20 GB Space Required
  • Processor: Intel Core i3
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