How Ship Radar Works in Star Citizen – A Complete Guide

How Ship Radar Works in Star Citizen

The ship radar is one of the essential tools in the MMO space trading and combat simulation-based game Star Citizen. Star Citizen is about finding the ships and vehicles, detecting them, and surviving in the complex star system and heart-throbbing asteroid fields. Thus, radars are critical tools that make the task easier and help you equip yourself with better pilot skills. Hence, in this guide, we will focus on the working of the ship radars to enhance the performance of your vehicle and ships, improve the capabilities of combating, and optimize stealth in the Star Citizen multiplayer game.

What is a Ship Radar?

Ship radar is a tool that helps detect the ships and vehicles around the players in the Star Citizen universe. This radar system makes it easier for the players to survive in the intricate star web systems. The radar system tends to scan the arena around by emitting electromagnetic waves, and if these waves come in contact with any ship, vehicle, or object, they hit them and reflect. 

Well, the game is all about survival, and thus, to enhance your gameplay, players can also use the Star Citizen auec, i.e. Alpha United Earth Credits. These in-game temporary currencies can be used to buy equipment, ships, etc.

How Does the Ship Radar Work?

The ship’s radar can scan the ship’s surroundings up to a certain range. By choosing either the Active Radars or passive radars, the player can collect important information to move effectively, avoid hitting any object, survive by moving safely, and mark the important points of locations. 

Opting for the active radar allows the player to hit the target directly. If the player decides to use the passive radar, then when detecting the target, the player will first approach the target and then hit it. Moreover, there is also a third mode of radar called scanning mode. This mode is useful for collecting information on nearby asteroids and enemies or detecting unidentified objects.

Discussing the functionalities of the Radar systems, the radar in this simulation-based Star Citizen focuses on three key components, i.e. detection range, highest emission, and radar sensitivity.

All the functioning of the radar systems is almost similar to the actual radar systems in real life, simply working by emitting the signals, which, when hit some object, bounce back and thus inform about the object nearby. This system helps to find answers to questions such as at what distance the object is from the player, what is the exact location of the object, and even what nature is. The radar systems are even comprised of screens available to the pilot, where all the information is processed and displayed.

Star Citizen Radar

It is quite important to understand the 3 components of the radar systems in the Star Citizen to use the system effectively.

  • The radar’s detection range simply means the system’s capability to find out the distance and location of the ships or vehicles.
  • The highest emission of the system is for successfully targeting the object and up to what distance.
  • While the radar sensitivity depends on the size. 

Another important aspect is the facing angles, which refer to the angle at which the target is present. For instance, if it is just in front of the player’s ship at the tip with the closest proximity, the cross-sectional area visible is minimal, while if the same ship is at 90 degrees of angle, the cross-sectional area is greater. Thus, this cross-section affects the object’s detention range.

Moreover, ambient noise is also a factor that influences the detection range. More ambient noise is beneficial for the player to detect the upcoming ship’s vehicle, but a disadvantage if the player wishes to mask himself from the enemies. 

Types of Radars in Star Citizen

Coming to the variety of radars available in-game, there are 3 types. This classification is based on the size of the radars. The three of them are as follows:

  • Size 0
  • Size 1
  • Size 2

The details for the three radars are as follows:

Size 0 radar: this radar is the least sensitive among all. It has approximately 75% or 0.75 of the sensitivity. This 75% sensitivity is for the IR and EM signatures, while for the CS signature, the sensitivity is around 5-% or 0.5. 

Moreover, this radar is used in ground vehicles, and SN fighters. The size 0 radar list comprises Nova Tank, ROC, STV, PTV, Dragonfly, Hoverquad, Lynx, URSA, Cyclone MT-3X S1 Radar, All Cyclone Variant, Pulse Lx, Storm tanks etc.

Size 1 Radar: Coming to this radar, the sensitivity lies around 8-% or 0.8. This sensitivity is for all three signatures i.e. for IR, CS, and EM. 

Size 2 Radar: Among all the three radars this one is the most sensitive. The sensitivity of this radar lies around 90% and it is meant for all three signatures be it for IR, CS, or EM. 

Star Citizen Radar Types

Coming to the radar ship list for the size 2, it is usually equipped in ships with heavy guns or that are heavier ships and some of them are Redeemer, Hoplite, Sentinel, Harbinger, Warden, Cat, Corsair, C1, C2, M2, MSR, A1, A2, Hurricane, Carrack, Redeemer, Retakiator, Starfire, 400i, Polaris, Inferno, etc.


The Star Citizen is not just about attacking but survival too. For that, the player must focus on avoiding being detected by the enemies. For this focus on lowering the power to control emissions. Moreover, one can try to minimize the use of emissions and even equip oneself with elements that will enhance the stealth. Furthermore, do not forget to buy Star Citizen Money to optimize the gameplay and be in the game for longer. 

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